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How fast do you write? TipingMaster Tiping Test is a useful educational tool that lets you know what your keyboard is. It contains various type tests that can help you increase the writing speed and accuracy. There are also cool games that can be used for training. TipingMaster Tiping Test is a reliable writing test tool for both beginners and;

Test your typing speed Before anything else, TipingMaster will ask you to test your typing speed to know how fluid you are typing. Each writing test is limited in time, and users can choose how many minutes they want to take, as well as what part of the writing they want to try. But even if users can choose the duration of the written exam, the ideal time is 1 minute. You can start the test immediately by time and parts. In addition, the language can also be changed as 7 other languages ​​are available; (function () {(‘review-application-side-desktop’);}); The exam is quite simple. All you have to do is enter the words on the screen as quickly and accurately as possible. As time goes by, TipingMaster will detect test results and write speeds. Controls how many words per minute you can enter, including misspelled words. Users should remember that speeding up the test instead of typing normally would not produce satisfactory and accurate results, as errors affect the results. In terms of write speed, you can find 5 levels depending on the result, namely slow, medium, fluid, fast and professional. Once you get the results you have the opportunity to take the test if you think you can do better or can go and train to double your speed and improve yours; Lessons and Exercises TipingMaster has over 500 writing exercises, all of which are divided into different lessons that focus on training and perfecting one writing skill at a time. For example, the first 14 lessons will help you become familiar with the keyboard and help you get used to typing your fingers out. For the rest of the following lectures, they include the speed of creation, the exercise of writing with a numeric row, typing symbols and even writing with a numeric keyboard. Within each lesson there are different activities that will take a total of 10-25 minutes; Improve Type Testing TipingMaster type is easy and convenient to use. Tests and classes can be performed without users having to register or enter information such as username and age. It also offers other fun ways to improve your writing skills, in addition to the writing lessons it offers. Users can take part in fun keyboard games that will enrich writing lessons;

TypingMaster Typing Test